Moved the Assembly Builders site away from Squarespace and onto Statamic, complete with a total site redesign.
📰 Making the news more accessible, interactive, and interesting for over 40k monthly visitors! Doubled annual web traffic (150k → 300k visitors per year). Migrated over 3,000 articles from Wordpress to Statamic. The Jacket is one of the only student newspapers in the country using a fully custom theme, and is highly ranked nationally by the NSPA and CSPA.
🚄 Helped to rewrite Amtraker, an API for tracking Amtrak trains which serves ~3M monthly requests. The new API uses Bun, a new JavaScript runtime that improves performance and request speed by over 3x when compared to node.
🚊 In preparation for a trip across the US on Amtrak's California Zephyr, I build the "Rail Map," a way to discover railroad crossings and rail bridges, track Amtrak and Caltrain, and more.
Side Projects
🏡 Find photos of Stanford Dorms before arriving on campus. Fizz-varial. Opening again in Spring 2025.
🎓 Search through thousands of photos from my high school's graduation using facial recognition
📊 Allowing Berkeley High students to contribute their high school experience, and creating data-visuals with crowdsourced results.
📝 Read and write to Google Forms with a free API!
📊 Scraped IBO grade information from PDFs, and made an interface to display it nicely, with some fun data visualizations! More planned...
Work Experience
📰 Making the news more accessible, interactive, and interesting!
👨💻 Improving web presence for the US' only fully student run Parliamentary Debate League.
🌯 Helping local business expand their platform
🎓 Top 8 in the nation in Parliamentary Debate
Parliamentary Debate
Parliamentary Debate
Parliamentary Debate
🪪 Spoke about how students are surveilled by schools with tracking technology like Go Guardian
Occasional Judge for NYPDL and NYPDL-associated tournaments.